LightForce Clear Braces

The Most Advanced Braces System Available Today

Marda Loop Braces is your go-to destination for cutting-edge orthodontic solutions in Calgary. We’re super excited to tell you about 3D printed Lightforce Braces, a groundbreaking way to get those pearly whites in line, but with a personalized touch. Trust us, these aren’t your grandma’s braces; they’re custom-made just for you and they’re pretty much invisible.

The future of braces is here! Marda Loop Calgary offers advanced 3D printed Lightforce technology.
Discreet & effective! Achieve confident smiles with Marda Loop's Lightforce clear braces.

What Are LightForce Braces?

LightForce Braces are not your average clear braces; they’re a game-changer in orthodontic technology. These braces are 3D-printed and customized to fit the unique shape and contour of each of your teeth, ensuring maximum comfort and effectiveness. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all and hello to a treatment custom tailored to what you care about the most.

Why Choose LightForce Braces?


The beauty of LightForce Braces lies in their customization. Dr. Chen designs and utilizes advance 3D printing technology, so that he can create braces that fit your teeth like a glove, offering a more comfortable and quicker treatment experience.


If the idea of metal braces makes you cringe, Dr. Chen knows you’ll love the look of LightForce’s clear braces. They blend seamlessly with your teeth, making them virtually invisible.

Faster Results

Dr. Chen will utilize his experience with 3D printed braces to design a custom treatment plan that often results in fewer appointments, and faster results compared to traditional braces.

Say goodbye to metal! Enjoy a smoother smile journey with Marda Loop's custom Lightforce braces.
Calgary smiles, redefined. Marda Loop offers cutting-edge 3D printed Lightforce clear braces.

How Does It Work?

During your initial consultation, Dr. Chen and his team will take a 3D scan of your teeth. This scan is then used by Dr. Chen to design your customized braces, ensuring an accurate fit and more effective treatment. Once your LightForce Braces are ready, we’ll schedule an appointment for the fitting. It’s that simple!

Lightforce clear braces for a straighter smile | Marda Loop Orthodontics

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Almost anyone looking for an efficient and aesthetically pleasing orthodontic solution can benefit from LightForce Braces. Whether you’re a busy professional, a student, or someone who simply values a beautiful smile, these clear, customized braces could be the perfect fit for you.

Calgary adults & teens: Achieve discreet & comfortable alignment with Lightforce clear braces at Marda Loop.
Calgary smiles perfected! Marda Loop is a proud LIGHTFORCE Authorized Provider.

What to Expect

From the moment you walk into our office for your free consultation to the day you get your braces off, you can expect personalized care and attention from our team of experts. We’ll guide you through each step of the process, ensuring you’re comfortable and informed.

Call Marda Loop Braces today for a free consultation and discover how LightForce Braces can revolutionize your orthodontic treatment.

Take the Next Step

Schedule an appointment with Dr. Chen.